Smart Armoury

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  • Smart Armoury

    ALMERIO Smart Armoury

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    New-age weapons require modern management systems.  Almerio Smart Armoury – the most advanced and sophisticated weapon management system in the country that assures end-to-end security for all kinds of weapons and ammunition.

    Safe and secure storage of firearms is perhaps the greatest concern of an institution. With Almerio Smart Armoury, this will be the least of their worries. Using biometric and facial details only can a weapon authorization request’ be created by a user and assigned by an admin to an authorizer. The authorizer then approves/rejects the request for a particular time period. Silent alarms go off when an unauthorized entry makes repeated attempts to enter the armoury. Furthermore, aisles with the assigned weapon can be automatically opened as a storage cell containing the required weapon lights up. They also automatically close when the user leaves the room.

    Real-time inventory makes keeping a close watch easy, while power backup ensures outages cause no hindrance. Multiple CCTV cameras in the room and sensors track every movement of the user, activating alarms if the wrong item is accessed or the user spends too long a time in the room, or in case of any suspicious activity.

    It really couldn’t get any more tamper-free.